A month of beaches, y’all Dec 10 Written By Michael Haisten Martha has taken her true form after being on sand for a month now. Ever since we got to the gulf, we have been on a mission to slow down, and that we have. First was 2 great weeks at Malaquite Beach in the Padre Island National Seashore. We met lots of great people during our stay there and even had a gathering in Becky and Les’ RV for Thanksgiving dinner with as many of the other campers that would fit. Luckily they had a large RV because is was raining. Becky and Les invited us to take a ride to the end of the island, 60 miles down the beach. Les did a great job keeping it between the navigational aids! Lots of shells to be collected at the end of the beach where there is not as many people. Jimmy Buffet says Jellyfish don’t pay rent. Well this one got evicted from the sea. I found this old airplane wheel in the sand. Old enough to have fabric cords, enough plys to be from a jet (20), and a Navy serial number. I wonder how deep the rest of the plane is? When we left Padre Island MzDazy got to go on a ferry ride! It was a very short ride, but it was way shorter than taking the bridges back to the mainland and a round about highway to our next destination. Our next beach house was Magnolia Beach in Lavaca Bay. This is a shell beach and the only waves come from the passing ships. The plus to this is that we were able to park about 20 feet from the water. The crushed shell beach is super porous and any water you poured onto it was instantly gone. We took the opportunity to do some touch up painting on MzDazy All the houses around here have some level of Hurricane proofing. This one wins that contest hands down. Being that time of year, it was time for MzDazy to start getting festive! Martha made sure to pack in some of our favorite Christmas things so we would feel the spirit! After a week of beautiful sunny days, the weather turned sour and was forecast to stay that way for several days. Time to head up the road……. We drove up the coast on back roads to stay as close to the water as possible. There were some really interesting places along the way and we passed through a town that was entirely Petro-chemical plants, yuck. By early afternoon we arrived in Galveston. We were definitely ready to stretch our legs. After we got checked into the RV park for a couple of nights we headed out exploring. The Pleasure Pier is an amusement park that sticks out into the sea. Steel, electronics, and sea salt air. What could go wrong? It turns out you can only have pleasure on the weekends this time of year. Even though it was closed the security guard made it clear Ruckus was not welcome under any circumstance. While Ruckus took his pre-dinner nap, Martha and I soaked in the hot tub. We spent the next day wandering around the Historic District checking out the old buildings. These old mansions were built at the turn of the 20th century and have survived Hurricanes for over 120 years. Side note, Ruckus was really not sure about the “cats” on the fence posts. This was on the door in the front wall of a house we passed. The color is nice and festive, but the knocker says “go the fuck away!” Ho Ho Ho!! This was one of my favorites. It very much said “pirate ship” to me. The Oriental dragons on top were a nice touch. Galveston was a shipping center back in the day before Houston grew up and this home shows the international influence. MzDazy got to take another ferry to leave Galveston Island. It definitely feels strange to sit in the drivers seat and feel the ocean motion in a bus! MzDazy found a new beach to settle on for a while in Bolivar Flats. The Christmas decorating continues. I am still getting used to turning my back to the sea to watch a sunset. Michael Haisten
A month of beaches, y’all Dec 10 Written By Michael Haisten Martha has taken her true form after being on sand for a month now. Ever since we got to the gulf, we have been on a mission to slow down, and that we have. First was 2 great weeks at Malaquite Beach in the Padre Island National Seashore. We met lots of great people during our stay there and even had a gathering in Becky and Les’ RV for Thanksgiving dinner with as many of the other campers that would fit. Luckily they had a large RV because is was raining. Becky and Les invited us to take a ride to the end of the island, 60 miles down the beach. Les did a great job keeping it between the navigational aids! Lots of shells to be collected at the end of the beach where there is not as many people. Jimmy Buffet says Jellyfish don’t pay rent. Well this one got evicted from the sea. I found this old airplane wheel in the sand. Old enough to have fabric cords, enough plys to be from a jet (20), and a Navy serial number. I wonder how deep the rest of the plane is? When we left Padre Island MzDazy got to go on a ferry ride! It was a very short ride, but it was way shorter than taking the bridges back to the mainland and a round about highway to our next destination. Our next beach house was Magnolia Beach in Lavaca Bay. This is a shell beach and the only waves come from the passing ships. The plus to this is that we were able to park about 20 feet from the water. The crushed shell beach is super porous and any water you poured onto it was instantly gone. We took the opportunity to do some touch up painting on MzDazy All the houses around here have some level of Hurricane proofing. This one wins that contest hands down. Being that time of year, it was time for MzDazy to start getting festive! Martha made sure to pack in some of our favorite Christmas things so we would feel the spirit! After a week of beautiful sunny days, the weather turned sour and was forecast to stay that way for several days. Time to head up the road……. We drove up the coast on back roads to stay as close to the water as possible. There were some really interesting places along the way and we passed through a town that was entirely Petro-chemical plants, yuck. By early afternoon we arrived in Galveston. We were definitely ready to stretch our legs. After we got checked into the RV park for a couple of nights we headed out exploring. The Pleasure Pier is an amusement park that sticks out into the sea. Steel, electronics, and sea salt air. What could go wrong? It turns out you can only have pleasure on the weekends this time of year. Even though it was closed the security guard made it clear Ruckus was not welcome under any circumstance. While Ruckus took his pre-dinner nap, Martha and I soaked in the hot tub. We spent the next day wandering around the Historic District checking out the old buildings. These old mansions were built at the turn of the 20th century and have survived Hurricanes for over 120 years. Side note, Ruckus was really not sure about the “cats” on the fence posts. This was on the door in the front wall of a house we passed. The color is nice and festive, but the knocker says “go the fuck away!” Ho Ho Ho!! This was one of my favorites. It very much said “pirate ship” to me. The Oriental dragons on top were a nice touch. Galveston was a shipping center back in the day before Houston grew up and this home shows the international influence. MzDazy got to take another ferry to leave Galveston Island. It definitely feels strange to sit in the drivers seat and feel the ocean motion in a bus! MzDazy found a new beach to settle on for a while in Bolivar Flats. The Christmas decorating continues. I am still getting used to turning my back to the sea to watch a sunset. Michael Haisten